Empire State Building: New York, New York

The Empire State building is arguably one of the most famous buildings in the United States. Known for its impressive height and even more impressive views, it is a special building in our history. Additionally to its impressiveness, it symbolizes innovation. When it was completed in 1931, the Empire State building was not only one of the earliest mega skyscrapers, but it was THE mega skyscraper. Standing as the world’s tallest building is quite a feat, especially for almost to 40 years. Imagining the engineering that went into building that gives me complete and utter anxiety. It is impressive, to say the least.

Empire State Building Empire State Building 2

When I encountered this monstrous building, my initial reaction was to be overwhelmed, by the size, by the height, and its meaning. That feeling quickly faded and amazement took its place. Something that historically significant, enormous, and impressive makes you take a (figurative) step back and realize just how small you are. That sounds like a negative thing, but it was not at all, it was totally humbling. Going there and seeing New York City from the “top of the world” is something I will never forget. My family and I will cherish those memories forever.

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