Edmond Santa Fe High School

This is my high school in Edmond, Oklahoma, it is called Santa Fe and is one of three main public high schools in Edmond. I had a very good high school experience. When I began in ninth grade, I was intimidated just like any freshman, but I was also excited because I knew what was to come. As a kid in Edmond, you grow up looking up to the high school football teams and the high school students you see around town, so I was ready to be one of those kids. I was pumped with school spirit from the start, and it stuck around until I graduated, and there is still some in there now. Obviously that spirit diminished with the arrival of senioritis. Now when I look at the building, however, I do not even think of it as the school I spent four years going to, I only picture my little brother playing on the football field on Friday nights.

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