Dallas County Administration Building

The Dallas County Administration Building, previously known as the Texas School Book Depository until about 1981. This building is famous for being the location of Lee Harvey Oswald when he shot and killed President John F. Kennedy in 1963. I was able to visit the building my senior year of high school on a field trip for my forensics class. I remember a major portion of our semester was dedicated to the analysis of the forensic techniques and findings that led to the conclusion of the shooter. We also looked into to the claims that Lee Harvey Oswald was framed. During our field trip, I was able to walkthrough and see the interior of the building, which was old and weathered, just like the outside of it. This building has had its lower 5 floors renovated, however, the sixth floor has been left untouched and made into a museum. This building made me realize how an event such as the one that occurred, can make enough of an impact on the public that people have paid to see the weathered sixth floor of an ordinary looking structure for over 60 years.


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