Cathedral of Saint Bartholomew


My first blog post is dedicated to the Frankfurt Cathedral. This building was a very different building to encounter on my mission trip to Switzerland and Germany. During some of our free time we travelled into Frankfurt, Germany were we had the opportunity to explore the city.  I had never actually been inside a cathedral, especially with my Southern Baptist upbringing. I was taken back when I saw all of the design that went into the building. Every inch of the cathedral was exquisite and different. This building I am sure has a very special and reverent meaning to the Catholics in the area; in most areas in Frankfurt and the surrounding towns the Roman Catholic church still implements taxes and such on the people. However, to me it was a reminder as to why I was on this trip. I was there to proclaim Christ and his love to a lost and broken world: that loving Christ is more than a religion or a government requirement but that it is a personal relationsh11796412_10207258957422456_1856785620667374948_nip. While in the cathedral some of the girls and I in our group took the opportunity to go sit in some of the pews and pray for the people of Frankfurt. It was an amazing experience I will never forget.


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