Callanish Park Drive, Austin, Tx (Home)




I’ve lived in this house ever since I moved from Miami when I was 5 years old. The sole purpose of this move was to accommodate my dad’s work relocation for IBM. My address quickly changed from a space to a place and turned into a home that not only houses my family, but is also a home to childhood memories. Playing basketball in the driveway, and maintaining the lawn/backyard with my dad are only two of many memories I have growing up in this house. Located at the bottom of a mountainous neighborhood, this home has dark red brick around the front and sides and blue wooden porch in the back. It’s easy to get lost in the surrounding areas because our whole neighborhood is surrounded by a wooded canyon. When I return to this home during school holidays or summer, I am reminded of the experiences that shaped me as a person, and the memories that come along with the house.


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