Buffalo Run Casino

Miami is known for its many casinos. People come from all over to spend their money at these casino. For the longest time one casino stood as the town black eye. It was a large casino and concert venue named Buffalo Run Casino. Buffalo Run Casino was shaped like a circus tent and made of the same material.  The only difference was it didn’t have any color, just multiple tones of the same color. It was especially bad because it is right off the major highway. Anyone driving by only has this giant blob to judgements on Miami. It was great that they were bringing in tourists and stimulating our economy but their building didn’t give a good first impression of Miami.  I love the town I grew up in, so I hated to see it with a black eye.

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By some miracle the casino began to remodel. Finally the giant bubble was going to be no more. They decided to go for a modern ski lodge look, which is one of my favorite styles. Fake wood surrounds the exterior along with giant stone pillars. Its beautiful. Now people can tell what Miami is all about!

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