Bold-Multimedia, Norman, OK

Bold-multimedia is a graphic design and multimedia studio located in Downtown Norman on Main Street. I began working there as a designer at the beginning of last summer and I continue to work there today. It has a sleek street appearance with our eye-catching logo presented on the glass panes that line the front of our studio. This building has definitely affected me in a positive way. It represents the first place outside of school where I am working in my career. It is here that I am getting paid to do something I love. Not only has this building been important to me in a work sense but for me it also represents a place of learning. Every time I go in to work I get to see and learn about how a real design studio works.

I remember the first time I entered it. I was then a design intern for the CCEW, The Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth. I had been invited to meet my boss at the design studio to present a design concept for an annual report they were doing for us. I was super nervous as I entered the building I waited on the couch in the front room and had a chance to look around. The office dogs and the creative eclectic nature of the interior immediately charmed me. The presentation went over well and I thought that was all I would see of Bold-Multimedia. Leslie Christopher, one of the three owners at Bold contacted me a few days later by email and invited me to come in for an interview. I was so shocked and excited. It was a really nice feeling that someone that established saw talent in my work. The office continues to remind me that they saw something in me as I gain great real-life experience and knowledge in my field.

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