blog 1: Grandparents house

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my grandparents’ house in Racine Wisconsin is a building I have many great memories about. I’ve lived in Oklahoma for most of my life so I wasn’t able to visit them as often as I would’ve liked to, nevertheless I can still recall many great moments there. Their house was a big 2 story brick home about one and a half miles away from Lake Michigan. You could tell by just looking at it, that it was a very old building with a lot of history. One of those places where you can feel the personality of it just by walking in. it’s almost as if it held its own memories. Grandparent’s house will always be special to people for many obvious reasons, but this house seemed to have its own character. My grandparents raised a lot of their grandchildren in this house and it was always jumping. As a kid it seemed like a mansion filled with all the people you loved the most. I have many great memories here but one early memory I can recall happened during one of our family road trips from Oklahoma to Racine. This trip in particular we happened to arrive in Racine at the exact same time and day that the fourth of July parade was taking place on main street. Since my grandparents’ house was located on Main Street, we had no other route we could take to get to their house other than Main Street. So my dad pulled the ultimate dad move and just decided to join in behind the parade. I was 6 or 7 at the time and still naive enough to believe my parents when they said the parade was for me and my younger siblings’. The fact that an entire city would arrange a parade to welcome me and my siblings made as much sense as anything else to us at the time. Needless to say that backseat was so lit, and I was so hype the rest of the day.        

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