Bizzell Memorial Library – Doris W. Neustadt Wing

There's some literal foreshadowing going on here...

This is the Bizzell Memorial Library, which I’m sure almost everyone viewing this blog will be familiar with. Specifically, it’s the westward-facing side of the building, officially known as the Doris W. Neustadt wing.

Library Wing NameAs a mathematics major who frequents the Physical Sciences Center, I bike past this castle-like structure almost every day. It’s quite nice and orderly, with pleasing patterns of OU’s signature crimson and cream colors. I enjoy the vertical distinctions and how the whole thing looks like it was put together from a set of giant interlocking pieces. If anyone remembers playing with Lincoln Logs as a kid, that’s what it reminds me of – and I quite enjoyed that style of building in other toys like Legos.

In addition to the structure of the library wing, I particularly like its colors. This is something that applies to a lot of buildings on campus, but I’ll emphasize it here. There’s a period of time around sunset – when I took these photos – where the red of the building, the blue of the sky, and the green of the surrounding trees and grass contrast beautifully with each other. I noticed it a lot during my freshman year, when these sunset hues would make their appearance after all my evening chemistry labs. I’m glad I get to study at a place with that kind of rich color scheme.

  • Brennan C.
My phone camera doesn't see things quite the same as the human eye, but this picture captures a hint of that red-blue-green color contrast.
My phone camera doesn’t see things quite the same as the human eye, but this picture captures a hint of that red-blue-green color contrast.


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