Bizzell Memorial Library

BizzellLibrary suzzallo-library

The Library is where I spend most of my time studying and working on school. I see it every day coming and going from classes. Originally opening in 1904 after a fire in 1903 burned down the old library, the gothic designed building still stands tall today.  The library is ranked 32nd out of 114 academic research libraries in North America for the amount of volume held. Since then the library has gone through a few renovations and additions to look the way it is today. The told style of it makes me think about what it was like to go to school here fifty to a hundred years ago. Not that it’s a bad thing, but it makes me feel trapped, making it more likely that I spend more time inside and finish all of my work. I think the library and all of its gothic features signify the pursuit of knowledge.8714252137_0560d11647_b

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