Bizzell Memorial Library

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The Bizzell Memorial Library is a three-story building located at the University of Oklahoma. It was built in 1928 with a Cherokee gothic architectural style that is unique to buildings on campus. My encounters with this building are usually during finals week every semester, which brings about a negative emotion associated to this building for me. However, I appreciate the structure of this building that allows for students to have a peaceful environment to study in. I also like that some areas in this library were created for engagement among students while other areas are designated quiet spots.

2 thoughts on “Bizzell Memorial Library”

  1. Going on 4 and a 1/2 years at OU and I still never get sick of the beautiful library. It’s funny because sometimes I’ll notice something about the design of the building that I hadn’t noticed before. The amount of detail in the design of it is just incredible.

  2. Walking pasted this building I always manage to see a detail that I have missed from previous trips and I’m going on my 3rd year hear and still love getting to walk by this place!

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