Bell Tower of Xi’an

The Bell Tower of Xi’an is located at an ancient Chinese capital city called Xi’an. Before introducing this building, there is a small story about this building. In Ming Dynasty, several earthquakes struck Xi’an city, thousands were dead and injured. A Chinese fortune-teller tell government there is monster under the city and they need to find a way to suppress this monster. In this case, people ordered 5000 craftsmen to repair the Bell Tower day and night in order to use the tower to restrain the monster underground. After the establishment of Bell Tower, the natural hazard never happened until today. Under the protection of this Bell Tower, Xi’an has become the biggest city in the Northwest of China.

Today, some people do not believe that it is Bell Tower protect people from hazard. But there still thousands of people come from all over the world to visit this great building. IXi'an_-_Bell_towert has become the symbol of Xi’an City.

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