Baladrar House-James Walker

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This house was built in 2013 and is located in Alicante, Spain. This project is one example of the wondrous works of architecture because the house is built on the side of a greatly sloping terrace, definitely far from anything flat; additionally, the structure of the home while located on a fast track slope heading for the ocean is built for enjoyment. This house is designed for a climate that is relaxing and comfort and to be a getaway spot. The house is built in a cataract fashion meaning that each room starts from the top and extends down to the next to accommodate the ever present changing elevation. This house is interesting to me because this is a work of architecture that is designed for comfort in a place that seemed impossible. This project is a work of art built from green tile, concrete, and steel to fabricate an environment with incredible views in a location that is far from perfect for construction.

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