Aldo Rossi- Monte Amiata Housing


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The Monte Amiata Housing complex was built in the late 1960’s and is well known in the international architectural communities for it’s irregular style and varied texture. This community is comprised of 5 red buildings all centered around a central area which has a lawn, theater, and two plazas. Rossi wanted this complex to mimic a micro-city within the actual city.

A major goal for Rossi and his partner Carlo Aymonino was that they wanted to facilitate the interaction between housing blocks. They tried to accomplish this by placing the housing blocks around a center theater where the residents could relax and hang out. Another way they tried to facilitate interaction between residents is by building bridges connecting the housing blocks and many walkways in the complex. This complex was abusively used by homeless families right after its construction, but later was made into a permanent middle-class complex.

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