Alcamoth from Xenoblade Chronicles

Okay, so this blog post is a bit of a deviation from the norm. See, the building I want to talk about doesn’t physically exist – it’s from a video game. However unrealistic and impractical this structure may be, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write about Alcamoth, the floating city from the video game Xenoblade Chronicles.

Alcamoth From Below

To give some context to those of who haven’t played this game (which I would highly recommend, by the way), this city is the capital of a technologically advanced empire, and I think the design of it communicates that quite well. The obvious focal point is a lofty, bright white tower, which looms over the group of smaller disk-like sections of the city. It’s a fitting metaphor for an empire dominating over other regions (though by this point in the game it’s clear that the empire is not nearly so powerful). Plus I just love the concept of a city floating above the rest of the world. It was worth taking a break from the in-game goal at hand just to look and wonder at Alcamoth.

Again, it’s not a real building, but it’s a real design and I think it’s a cool architectural example of what kind of aesthetic can be accomplished without real-world limits. Here are a few more images, without the main character standing in the way:

Alcamoth AgainAlcamoth Once More


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