Alamo Beer Brewery

Alamo Brewery High View

Returning to San Antonio, The Alamo Beer Brewery is a collection of buildings centered around a community gathering place. This particular design is not located amidst trees and streams and greenery like the two Lake|Flato structures from my previous blogs, but it still makes itself part of its surroundings.

Alamo Brewery Daytime

Rather than integrating into the natural environment, the Alamo Beer Brewery makes itself a valuable part of the San Antonio urban setting. The emphasis here is not quite as much on the the buildings themselves, though they do carry Lake|Flato hallmarks such as their high windows, rustic color scheme, and interspersed greens. It’s more about what the buildings are designed to have people do: come together. The structures all face the central area, which encourages people to eat drink, socialize, and have a good time outside. Employees have cause to walk from building to building as they go about their duties potentially mingling with customers. Even if people don’t go there to buy drinks, there is space out front for activities such as tossing a frisbee around (see the woman in the bottom-left of the above photo). In these ways, the buildings serve more than just the business, they serve the community.

Alamo Brewery Evening


Photo credits: Casey Dunn & Dror Baldinger


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