Adams Center

Adams Center


Adams Center will always be a special place to me because it was the first place I lived after moving away from home. I will never forget pulling up to Adams for the first time the weekend before my freshman year and being swarmed with students and volunteers ready to help me move in. I was excited, nervous, and overwhelmed but eventually things settled down and Muldrow 10 became my home.

Although the dorms are small, old, and usually dirty, they are a great way for freshman to get connected to the University of Oklahoma. It seemed like there was always some event going on in or around the dorms and other students were always out playing volleyball, studying, etc. I am still friends with some of the people that lived on my floor freshman year. Would I want to live in the dorms again? No. But I certainly don’t regret living in them and would encourage all incoming freshman to live in them too.

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