Adams Center

Adams Center
Adams Center

The last building is Adams Center. Set up like the Sheraton, it has a first floor that connects four different towers. I’m an RA in this building, so I’ve seen just about every part of it. It has basements in all four towers, and there’s a pretty good sized room just across from the elevators for each tower. Each room is something different, which speaks to just how different this entire building is building is different from the rest of campus. No building is as complex a Sarkeys, however Adams Center is definitely the most complicated building on the south side of campus. This is the building where I learned how to handle conflict, be a resource for confused freshman or even upperclassman, or people that aren’t students. I’ve learned so much in my short time at Adams Center and I have loved just about every moment of it. There have been good times and bad, but the good FAR outweigh any annoying 4 AM call about being locked out or disrespectful resident that doesn’t want a citation.

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