A True Home

price entrance with fountain

I think it is safe to say I have spent more time in Price than any other building in my life. When I see the building, a feeling of familiarity and security envelops me. Growing up in a military family, I have never reported to the same building for more than 3 years – no school, house, hospital, or anything in between. As of this semester, Price is the exception. Not only have I been taking classes in Price for 3.5 years now, I have experienced all of the trials and tribulations of personal growth, professional development, and academic discovery. The most incredible support system that I have ever known found me within those walls.

CSS Doors

The room I owe most for this level of sentiment is the Center for Student Success (the CSS). If it were not for Dena Newhouse, Robert Harper, Kenneth Chapman, and Dr. Shelly Grunsted in the CSS, I would not have made it where I am today. The arched doorway is crowned with sandblasted glass, and has French doors that are left open. This specific room is where I feel the most security. The support and comfort I have received in this division of Price is what motivates me to work harder any time I start feeling complacent.


price classroom

As I have progressed in my college career, I have come to love the classrooms in Price. The high ceilings, and wall of windows creates an open and stimulating environment. The horse shoe layout effectively promotes collaboration and productivity. I never realized how influential the structural design of a room was until my first semester at the OU. Each of my classes were in a different style room. As the semester went on, I started feeling disdain towards some of my classes purely because I disliked the grungy, florescent, isolated environment of the room they were in. Naturally, I have started studying in these rooms whenever possible – both individually and with classmates.

price court yard


The finishing touch to Price is the courtyard. This space is convenient for events hosted by the different organizations in the college, and is one of the best places on campus to enjoy a nice day. During any given semester, you can find BBQ’s, music, photo shoots and leisure between classes in this shady location. It, too, claims some of my fondest memories.


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