The Space Needle

Spanning 605 feet tall, this popular and iconic US landmark is located in Seattle, Washington. It has an observation deck, a revolving restaurant, and a retail shopping store. To make sure the structure does not move, there are 72 bolts that are each 30ft in length bolted into 5,850 tons of reinforced steel rebar and concrete foundation. It is said that the needle can sway 1 inch for every 10mph wind increment and it was built to withstand 200mph velocity winds!

The SkyCity restaurant revolves on a track and wheel system that weighs about 125 tons and it came from railroad technology. The restaurant is located on the space needle’s diameter and it rotated using a 1½ horsepower motor currently. The structure was built in 1962 for $4.5 million dollars, and in 2000 there was a $20 million dollar renovation which gave the space needle several more attractions like the SkyCity restaurant. The whole structure in an amazing piece of architecture!

  • Kulpreet Singh

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