30 Rockefeller Plaza, NYC



In high school, I went to New York City in between Christmas and New Years Eve. Of course, we had to go to 30 Rockefeller Plaza. Now, this building is important to me because I’m a film student and it has always been a dream of mine to work in this building. History was made in these walls with SNL and 30 Rock and the list just goes on. I couldn’t leave New York without getting a foot in here. This building was by far the busiest place I had ever been. Claustrophobic me hated it, but fame-whore me could’t be dragged away from this place. I still hold this building close to my heart and hope to go back one day, permanently.

One thought on “30 Rockefeller Plaza, NYC”

  1. I also visited New York when I was younger and this building made an impression on me as well. Even though it didn’t make my list of buildings to blog about, it is still quite impressive.

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