All posts by Yibo Li

Hearst Tower-Foster


The Hearst Tower is a commercial office located in Manhattan, New York City. It is designed by Foster + Partner. The unique design makes it very outstanding from the Manhattan District. In addition, Hearst Tower is the “green” office building in New York with a number of environmental considerations. The outlook of this building is fashion. So it is very impressive to me.botd_hearst_tower_01

Space Needle

Space needle is a tower in Seattle, Washinton constructed in 1961. The main function of this building is observation. Different from building that designed by a completed idea. The architecture of the Space Needle is the result of a compromise between the Edward E. Carlson and John Graham. Jr. Space_Needle_2011-07-04

The first impression of Space Needle to me is cool. I thought this building is a future technology laboratory or a communication station between human and alien when I first see this building in a newspaper. However, it disappointed me when I know there is only a restaurant on the top of this building. SpaceNeedleTopClose

Bird’s Nest


National Stadium known as the Bird’s Nest , is a stadium in Beijing. It was designed by Herzog & de Meuron, ArupSport and China Architectural Design & Research Group and artist Ai Weiwei. This construction cost of this building is 428 million dollars in 2014. Originally, the main purpose of this building is for use throughout the 2008 Summer Olympics and Paralympics and 2022 Winter Olympics. After 2008 summer Olympics games, Bird’s Nest impressive the world. It has become a landmark of Beijing.


This stadium includes both field and track. In this case, there are many soccer or other matches hosted in Bird’s Nest.

Norman Foster HSBC


HSBC main building is a commercial office building located at 1st Queen’s Road of Hong Kong. It was named by Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Company and constructed in 1985. The establishment of HSBC Building saved Foster’s company from bankruptcy.images

In addition, the internal structure of this HSBC does not follow the regular design due to the its function. Because the owner of this building is a commercial bank. In this case, they want this building follow the Feng Shui (a theory of Superstitious Mind in traditional Chinese culture) to raise their business.

Norman Foster

Willis Faber & Dumas Headquarters is a modern architect located at Ipswich, England. It is designed by Foster + Partners company and constructed in 1975. The main function of this building is office. At same time, social dimension such as swimming pool, roof-top restaurant and garden were offered in this building.WFDH


Innovation likes elevator is used in this three-storey. In addition, the unique structure perfectly matches the surroundings environment.


Norman Foster

After Team 4, Foster and Wendy Cheesman founded Foster and Partners in 1967. Originally, they focused on industrial buildings. The design style breakthrough after Willis Faber & Dumas headquarters in Ipswich. At this point, they begin to work on the modern style of architecture. Great creativity earned them a famous reputation for high-tech architecture design.  In this case, they get a big chance to enter the world market.Willis Faber and Dumas

Norman Foster

As I talked before, the best gift that Norman Foster get from his parents is the characteristic of assiduity. After he winning a place at the University of Manchester School of Architecture and City planing, he tried to take up a series of part-time job to support himself. Under the hard working, he won the Henry Fellowship to the Yale School of Architecture. After graduating, he created a architectural practice Team 4 with Rogers, Georgie and Wendy Cheesman.Norman Foster

Norman Foster

The architect I work on is Norman Foster. He is a genius British architect graduating from Manchester University School of Architecture and won a Henry Fellowship to Yale University. His parents are hard workers. So he do not have a wealthy  family when he was a child. In this case, the most precious gift he received from his parents is assiduity. This characteristic becomes the most significant key to his successful career. Norman Foster



Tian’anmen is a famous tradition Chinese building in capital city Beijing. It is designed by ancient Ming dynasty architect Kuai Xiang and constructed in 1420. Basically, the function of Tian’anmen is the entrance of to Forbidden City, the home of Chinese emperors. There are 5 gates under the Tian’anmen.tiananmen2

Physically, the middle gate is bigger than other four gates. And there is only emperor can enter Forbidden City by this gate in the past. In this case, this building is the symbol of the imperial power and right in the past.

Today, Chinese government set Tian’anmen as the part of national emblem. It has become a symbol of China. tiananmen3

Adams Hall

Adams Hall is the building of business college for University of Oklahoma constructed in 1935 by architecture Joseph Smay. The architecture style is precise. It is perfectly match with his function. This building is the place where I study business class and I spent much time get along with this building. In this case, it is very important to my college experience.University_of_Oklahoma_September_2014_10_(Adams_Hall)