All posts by fuqing yang

Kindergarten in Zimbabwe


This kindergarten is in Chaseyama, Zimbabwe.

This kindergarten is part of a permaculture-education center in Zimbabwe. The holder wants kid can learn and realize natural.

Therefore, Anna Heringer decided to use the local and natural material to build it. We will find this kindergarten’s roof is built by thatch.

What is more, kids will have some recreational facilities built by bamboo, rocks and thatch. Her design mixed well with the local tradition and natural, let more people learn about the local culture and traditions.

Homemade—Family house

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In the first pic, we can see this family living a small, crowed and without light place. Let us feel uncomfortable.

Anna Heringer did some change on the basis of the old small house.

First, she resolve the lighting problem. She did a big window for this family and some small windows also. Those window not only can bring more natural shine and natural light to this house, but also can keep open for ventilation. Those are all good for this family’s healthy. What is more, enough lighting and shining can let the home looks more warm and sweet. And we know the house is for a low class family, she just use some cheap but health material to build it, for example the main material are bamboo and clay and those material is very common there.

Omicron living rooms

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This room is for workers’ meeting center, and this main purpose is giving workers a good work place, which has good air quality. Therefore, we can see the room has a lot of holes in the ceiling.

What is more, the center of the room has a lager communication “room”, this room can give over 10 people’s meeting, and people also can chatting and eating some snacks here.

At night, those holes can give some natural light.

And this building’s material is clay from local, it is a nice building mix the modern style and the local traditional.asdasdasdasdasd

DESI Training center


DESI Training center is in Rudrapur, Bangladesh.

For all Bangladesh family live a big place, which has mutable functions (eating, washing, cooking and sleeping). So the traditional style there a family need one more place to live.

Therefore, Anna Heringer try to design a new house or place for them, which is not including the agriculture but it still has some connection with agriculture.32423423423423

DESI Training center is a school. In this place has 2 big classrooms, 2 offices and 2 apartment for teachers. And those apartment has personal bathroom and independent underground space.


Construction of The Three Hostels in Baoxi, China

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Anna Heringer be inverted to The First International Bamboo Architecture Biennale, and the holder of the Biennale assume every architect have to use bamboo, which is one of the special local product, in everyone’s products.

However, it is not only about using local material, but also about keeping traditional building techniques alive( in the first pic). And we will see the three traditional buildings have no special design and those look similarity, however flexible bamboo give us new feeling, more beautiful than before.

METI Handmade School


METI Handmade School is a primary school in Rudrapur in Northern Bangladesh. As we know Bangladesh is one of the least developed country. This country is in subtropical monsoon climate, and the country has a lot of complex river way. Flood is very common in rainy season.

Anna Heringer worked together with her colleague developing a new and utility construction by there’s climate and local people’s life style. In those pics, we can see she use bricks as the school’s base, and it is for reduce wall’s wastage because of wall’s quality will go down by vapor in the air and rainwater. In the first floor, those rooms are all classroom for children. In the second floor, the wall is built by bamboo and cloth. Those can give teacher and students a lot of natural light and wind. What is more, those bamboo play a decoration role.


St. Patrick’s Cathedral


For my 6th post, I want to show this amazingly nice building–St. Patrick’s Cathedral, which is located in New York. It is not a modern style’s building, it looks like an old beautiful castle for me. This building’s main body accept a large number of white marbles, which is from State of New York and Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It is really a huge building, it has 100 meter. And the roof made by the slate from Monson, Maine. Those are very special.

When I went to inside, I did not know what should I do. Because everything is so beautiful. I love those beautiful window pictures and arched roof.

Walker Art Center


For my fifth post, I want to show this building, the Walker Art Center .

This building in the Loring Park neighborhood of Minneapolis. This is a multidisciplinary contemporary art center.thumbnails


The main part of this building looks like a face,but it is a beautiful building and the space is organized well and The building matches the style and tone of the art housed inside. You can walk around to the different sculptures.This is one of the best museums I have been to. This is a must stop when you are in Minneapolis.



Lincoln Memorial


For my fourth post, I will talk about Lincoln Memorial. Lincoln is a good American president in my mind. I wanna go Lincoln Memorial when I know the history about this great president.300px-Lincoln-Memorial_WashingtonDC

This building looks like White House, but this one’s roof is square. And this body looks like a big cuboid, and it also looks like Parthenon Temple. So it is a traditional style building. There has 36 marble cylinder around this memorial, which means America has 36 states when Lincoln was a president. And those 36 marble cylinder have 36 different state’s name on

Thomas Jefferson Memorial


This is my third post. The Thomas Jefferson Memorial is worthwhile to share. Thomas Jefferson Memorial is a presidential memorial, and this is in Washington, D.C. Last year, I would go to Washington, D.C. Firstly, I did not plan to go this place. But my friends said it is a good place to go. And I went to there, they are right. When I was there, I just love this architectonic style, although I don’t know what the style is. However, I went back and searched this building. I know this is called Neoclassical Architecture. And I pay more attention on this style in my life. I really love those building, which is Neoclassical Architecture.