All posts by Sam Waters

“Species Deposit”

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While not built by Maria Langarita but redesigned by her, this water tower is a cool example of the ways that old structures can be preserved and reused for new purposes. The water tower needed to be cleaned up and the area around it was surrounded by shrubs and plants, but it did not have a look that the city of Madrid wanted. Therefore it was designed to not only act as a water tower but as a garden as well. Also, there is a wooden walkway that allows for visitors to come check it out. I find it really interesting that they took something as simple as a water tower and made it into something that the city of Madrid can appreciate. Most people would never look at a water tower as something that could be made into a piece of art and be thought of as a tourist attraction, but this idea  of preservation is really cool in my opinion.

Medialab-Prado by Maria Langarita

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The Medialab-Prado is designed by Maria Langarita and is used as a research lab and exhibition space in Madrid. It has a very artistic look to it and is modern to say the least. It is a new building build around an older building, and the cool thing about this is that not only does it provide a new look for the city but it also preserves an older building and provides historic value to the new structure. Another interesting thing about the building is that is is considered a flexible building. This means that the materials used inside of it allow for easy redesign and things can be moved around fairly easily if the tenants want a new look. What I like about this building is that they used the older building as a foundation and then build an awesome looking structure around it, but not only that I find it pretty cool how flexible it is. Rather than having to redesign an entire building or gut it out, they can change it up quick and easily.

Red Bull Music Academy

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Another cool project done by Maria Langarita is the Red Bull Music Academy seen above. The structure was only temporary as well which makes it unique since it was done by a well known architect and was only used for a short period of time due to an emergency situation. It appears to be many buildings within one large structure. The many different structures are used as classrooms and studios for recording by a large number of artists at one time. What makes this design interesting to me is that it seems like it creates its own little world by having buildings within a large structure like it does. It definitely would create a unique feeling that is not often seen.

Baladrar House by Maria Langarita

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The Baladrar home is a very modern looking home that was built on a terrace that was once used for farming. They designed it to meet the needs for many different types of families that can vacation here. It is very open and flows from inside the home to outside. It seems as though the home is one large patio that goes all throughout the home to provide community. The home can also be opened up to the outside and when this is done there is no visible glass on the home. The idea behind the house was that it can be relaxing for anyone that chooses to vacation here. This home was very well thought out and really shows how much effort Maria Langarita puts into her ideas.

Double House by Maria Langarita

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The design of this home is really interesting in that it serves a few different purposes as well as works for a couple who wanted different things in a home. It was build from two separate homes that paralleled each other, and the home was designed with an urban look that keeps a modern feel but it sits up a on a hill that faces into a valley. The couple wanted to have an urban feel to the home while maintaining the intimacy of being outside of a large city. many of the rooms in the home allow for privacy, but they all come together in the center nuclei of the home to allow for people to come together. Not only was this home built for its looks but it also was carefully thought out so it would have functionality to it as well. It is a very efficient home  due to the design allowing for natural sunlight to come and the layout allows for ventilation throughout the home.

Lolita Roadside Restaurant

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The Lolita Roadside Restaurant was designed by Maria Langarita. This building is truly one of a kind in the restaurant world. It is not just some building off of the interstate to stop and eat at, but it was designed as a flexible space that could be used for many types of activities or events. It is broken up into many sections that each have their own design and have been designed by mixing different elements of popular culture. Another neat thing about this building is that it can be a quick stop for coffee or a place to have a long meal while resting from driving. Many students also make use of the building to study in the afternoons. The design was thought out very well as to allow for all types of uses and attracting all types of people.

The Real Death Valley




I have been a fan of LSU my entire life thanks to my dad, so I am somewhat biased. However, the first time I went to Death Valley I was blown away by how real everything people had told me about it was. I was told about how loud it could be, but also about the historic look of it and how the school tries to preserve that classic look on the outside rather than renovate or remodel it. Obviously, the school has added a lot to the stadium but the main structure that was originally built can still be seen. The stadium has a unique look that to me seems to resemble the Roman Coliseum. The large pillars that surround the outer structure give it that look. This stadium really has a classic look and feel to it that I have yet to find at another stadium. Not only that, but all of the hype around this stadium really is true. There is no other place like it for a football game.

Mount Vernon

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When first arriving at Mount Vernon you were immediately brought back in time. Everything about this place made you feel like you were seeing history replay itself. The main home was beautiful and really had a colonial look to it that made it look like a piece of art. The chimneys, lots of windows, and just the overall style of the house made it easy to understand what era the home was built in. Upon entering the home you immediately see many historical artifacts that still remain from when the home was used by George Washington. Not only that, but the layout of the home was very efficient for its time and seemed to have a unique flow to it. It was an incredible experience that would be impossible to forget.

Air Force Academy Chapel

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When first arriving at the Air Force Academy there is a large sense of tradition and pride, but at the center of the yard up on the hill is the chapel that has been a symbol for the academy for many years. It has a very modern look to it that to me represents the power and technology of the Air Force itself. When walking inside you see the stained glass windows that create the blue lighting inside of the building. The building does not have a typical “church” feeling, but it does portray a very comforting feeling that really makes you appreciate being there.

The White House


USA, Washington D.C, White House, garden and fountains in foreground
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I have been to the White House a few times, but I had the chance a few years back to take a tour of it. When first walking up to the house I was really surprised at how big it actually was. That’s when it really started to feel like a symbol of power for our country. While in the house it was hard not to think about all of the important events that have played out in that house throughout history. The structure of the house not only portrayed a sense of power but also gave off a very historic feeling that was quite overwhelming. Everywhere you looked there was something that told a story. It really made me appreciate being an American and being able to grow up in such an awesome place.