All posts by Trace Sidle

Baker House- Alvar Aalto

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This is a picture of the Baker house located at Cambridge University here in the United States. It is considered one of Aalto’s best pieces he made here in the US. because of its form and shape every room is unique and gives the students that live here excellent views and makes their life a little more comfortable while attending the University.

Maison Louis Carre- Alvar Aalto

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This house was built in France in 1959. The house was created for an acclaimed art dealer and his wife. It has curved wooden walls and the sloping roof that flows with the hills. Because of the owner of the home was a big art dealer the grand entrance was created in order to display all the beautiful artwork.

Stephanuskirche- Alvar Aalto

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This building was constructed in 1968 by Alvar Aalto in Wolfsburg Germany. This is the same city that he constructed his Wolfsburg Culture Centre. Much different than the culture centre, this building was created to be a church. It is Aalto at his best and had his modern looking ideas everywhere.

Finnish Pavilion-Alvar Aalto

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This is a picture of the Finnish Pavilion that was constructed for the the Worlds Fair in 1939. It is known for its unique curvature  and is considered “genius” by architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Considering the date of when this building was considered very modern.


Finlandia Hall- Alvar Aalto

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Pictured above is the Finlandia Hall that was created by the world renowned Alvar Aalto. It was finished being built in 1973 and is considered one of his best pieces of work. It is used as a congress meeting hall and hosts local events as well. It it very modern looking with unique design. Looking at this building can really amaze a person.

Dallas Cowboy Stadium



The Dallas Cowboys football stadium is an absolute monstrosity of a building. If you have not had the chance to attend this stadium, its a must. Pictures simply do not do it justice. The building itself just pours excitement out of people regardless of how disappointing the Cowboys have been in this new stadium. I am not a Dallas Cowboys  fan and never have been. So it has always been easy for me to poke fun at the die hard supporters. One thing I can not poke fun of is obviously their facility. The big screen and all the little details that may go unnoticed to most are what really makes it so spectacular.

Bizzell Library

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The Bizzell Library is a very impactful building because it symbolizes a lot for me personally. I am a first generation student and quite honestly never would have thought coming to an institution like OU would have been possible. Every time i am on campus I see the Biz and it kind of reminds me how far I have come. On the flip side of that however, I cant stand being in the library. I do whatever I can to make sure I spend as little time as possible in the Biz as possible. I have had to learn some tough life lessons while attending the university just like most teenage kids who go off to college. So every time I see the library I appreciate it even more.

State Capital of Texas


Pictured above is the State Capital of Texas. A native texan, I naturally take pride in my home state. This is a such an awesome building and every time I see it I am amazed at how beautiful it is. I am a political science major and am really intrigued by politics. The State Capital is everything I am really interested in. The view from down the street, is such a picturesque type of view. When I am done here in Oklahoma studying I would love to end up in a city like Austin and work in a building like this one everyday.

Wilco building Midland, TX


This is a building that makes me feel very mixed emotions. Aside from the ugliness of the building because this picture doesn’t do it justice. It’s very ugly. This building is located in Midland, TX where I am from. Midland for those who might not have heard of it, can be described as very ugly. There is not a lot to do in Midland, TX and it is not very close to anything where you can do anything. These are some of the reasons I chose to leave my hometown and come to college in Oklahoma. So, Midland has the moniker, maybe even the motto or something, as being known as the “tall city.” Which to me seems laughable because Midland is anything but a great big metro city with huge skyscrapers. So this moniker is kind of overdoing it in my opinion. Nonetheless, Part of the reason it carries this moniker has to do with this particular building, the Wilco Building. I love that this is my hometown and I would never change it if I could naturally, but theres so much to hate about my hometown that seeing this building instantly brings bad feelings out.