All posts by Savannah Schultz

Plaza de Espana


When I went to Seville I was expecting something different I must admit. I knew it was on a much smaller scale considering I had just come from Barcelona, so when I went to see Plaza de Espana it took me back with the beauty of it. I loved the size and the way it was built around a river and in an arc like shape. This building was beautiful from afar and close up. My favorite part was the tiled Provincial Alcoves along the walls. I would say this was one of my favorite buildings to just sit by and enjoy lunch with a view.

St. Vitus Cathedral

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The Prague Cathedral is a building that I will never forget. I studied abroad in Prague for five months in the previous spring semester and it was a building that I would see everyday in the beautiful horizon of Prague. When I went to actually see this cathedral its size and beauty was incredible. The outside of the building was breathtaking but the inside of this cathedral incredible. The height and details ceilings of were something that really caught my attention. I loved the arched, criss crossed ceilings and the way it portrayed the cathedral as a whole.