All posts by Sam Rooney

Jones and Jones – Sleeping Lady: A Mountain Resort

Sleeping Lady: A Mountain Resort is located in North Cascades, Washington, it is heralded as the Top Ten “Green” Project, 2001 – AIA Committee on the Environment and won the Governor’s Award for Achievement in Pollution Prevention, 2000 – Washington State Department of Ecology. At this campus, the Mountain Northwest can be viewed and experienced in way that has had minimal impact on its location thanks to replanting of local / native plants throughout the property; historically the property has been passed down and sold from conservationists, to a camping destination, and eventually became the 18 building strong community of efficient environmentally considerate buildings. These 18 buildings were refurbished from the original bunks to what they are now boasting: decking made from a mix of recycled plastic bags and wood scraps, geo-exchange system to regulate heating and cooling needs from the deep in the earth, reclaimed wood sourced on site for construction needs, an organic garden for use in kitchen and composted with organic kitchen waste, energy efficient lighting combined with occupancy detectors in rooms, electric vehicles used by all staff, water conserving appliances in all bathrooms, and water based paints used throughout the property.

Here you can see the fruits of Jones and Jones’ labor outside including pine forests, meadows, wetlands, rivers, and mountains. The tightly gathered structures keep the anthropogenic impacts in a smaller area than other similar projects while also maintaining the ability to host large groups of people up to 200 which creates a closeness between human community and the surrounding natural environment.

Jones and Jones – Detroit Zoo Arctic Ring of Life

The Detroit Zoo Arctic Ring of Life is located in Royal Oak, Michigan. It was designed to interpret the relationship between nature and culture. The exhibit imitates a 1900’s Inuit village and four arctic landscapes including the tundra, taiga, ice caps, and aquatic zones. The exhibit also allows patrons a glimpse into the lives of arctic foxes, seals, and the polar bear. This is one of the largest polar bear exhibits in the nation paired with an exceptional polar bear breeding program which necessary to keep the polar bear population from becoming extinct. In order to embody this idea of environmental responsibility Jones and Jones created a 70 foot long tunnel that winds through the marine environment pool where the polar bears swim around and over people giving one the sense of the interconnectedness between humans and the natural environment. The project cost $14.9 million in order to get this point across while also meeting animal protection specifications, and allowing guests the ultimate viewing experience.

Jones and Jones – Evergreen State College Longhouse Education and Cultural Center

This is the Evergreen State College Longhouse Education and Cultural Center, it is located in Olympia, Washington at Evergreen State College. It is designed to be a hub for cultural creativity and recreation not just for the local community but also for native artists all across North America and the Pacific Rim. The Longhouse hosts several sales and art exhibits throughout each year, additionally they offer marketing services to artists through residency programs with master artists. It is a popular place on campus and even serves as a meeting place for dignitaries visiting the area.

Befitting to its name, the Longhouse is quite long with the capacity to hold 500 people, 10,000 square feet, it also has a kitchen, student resource center and lounge, as well as a unique outdoor native american medicine and food garden. This Longhouse looks to be a very clean and modern version of a native longhouse style house. The post and beam support system allows for the building to be sectioned off into different classrooms or conference rooms or opened wide for large gatherings. This mix of modern style and historic design is mirrored in its promotion of Native American artists and all of the educational programs offered that have not been extremely popular or attempted at such a scale.

Jones and Jones – Jefferson Memorial Forest

Jones and Jones helped the Jefferson Memorial Forest create a master plan that would help include more stewardship and overall improvements to the forest. This is just a sample of the one of the largest urban forests in the U.S., this one is located in Louisville, Kentucky. The architecture firm worked together with stakeholders in order to ensure the future of this forest for its environmental contributions and as a recreational asset to the region.

The forest is a whopping 6,700 acres and it offers the ultimate location for regional environmental education programs, additionally the forest park offers: camping, hiking, a fishing lake, canoeing, equestrian trails, team building ropes courses, a conference center, and is only fifteen miles South of downtown Louisville.

Jones and Jones – Sitka Seawalk

This is the Sitka Seawalk located in Sitka, Alaska, City and Borough of Sitka. The purpose of this seawalk is to preserve the unique views of Sitka Sound that are found along the shoreline while also providing a safe and continuous trail for seasonal visitors, locals, fishing, and to enhance access into the local economy, while also using local and durable materials.

Here you can a portion of the seawalk, it is set far enough away from the waterfront as to not interrupt public access to fishing, it is also age friendly and provides handicapped access on a safe and continuous pathway to Crescent Harbor Park, Sitka Sound Science Center, Hatchery viewing, and Parking spaces for cars / busses. This project is crafted very carefully in order to not disturb the scenic geology of the area as well as maintain the sitka spruce forest.

Jones and Jones – Cedar River Watershed Education Center

The Cedar River Watershed Education Center is located in North Bend, Washington, the purpose of this facility is to introduce people to the source of their water and also educate a wide range of ages to the many complex issues the watershed faces and how water issues are currently being handled in order to preserve the drinking water for over one million people in the greater Seattle area.

The above picture is a living roof located at the facility, this type roof is designed to reduce runoff, decrease the heating and cooling costs of a building,  and it “provides a living demonstration of the beauty and value of a healthy watershed.” – Jones and Jones.

The facility is equipped to host a variety of events and hundreds of people from weddings, learning labs for students, conference rooms, and a library. Each year the Cedar River Watershed education center receives 30,000 patrons, these people come to educate themselves, enjoy the natural environment down trails surrounded by local flora and fauna, and learn about the cultural history of the previously disturbed land.

Woodrow Wilson High School – Dallas

Screen Shot 2016-10-05 at 10.01.13 PMThis is my high school in Dallas, TX. It was built before the cold war and has a nuclear bomb shelter in the basement. I went to school here for four years. I studied sciences and several theater classes. The university of Oklahoma reminds me of my home high school Woodrow and that slightly influenced me in my decision to come to university here.

Reunion Tower – Dallas, TX

Screen Shot 2016-10-05 at 9.50.57 PMThis is Reunion Tower in Down Town Dallas. It is the spherical building in the skyline view. This building has always represented my return to Dallas from the Texas Rangers baseball games or the Dallas Cowboy games. They also have a delicious restaurant at the top that rotates at 360 degrees, very similar to the restaurant at the top of devon tower for reference to the Oklahoma residents. If this building left the Dallas skyline it would be impossible to distinguish it from any other big city. This building holds a special place in my mind.

Church – Dallas

Screen Shot 2016-10-05 at 9.19.21 PM This is my church based in my neighborhood of Lakewood in Dallas, TX. It is a very modernist church but on the inside you can really see the lighting features that combines all of the glass windows on the outside and light that illuminates the inside. It is very nice and a great place to enjoy worship. It was completed in early 2000’s as an addition to the old sanctuary. It seats around 200 people comfortably and 250 squeezing in. I spent many years here doing christian works, in choir, youth group, vacation bible school, and several mission trips.Screen Shot 2016-10-05 at 9.45.06 PM

Dallas – House



Screen Shot 2016-10-05 at 9.08.01 PMThis is my original home in Dallas, Tx. It is an original 1950’s ranch style house with no major changes done to it. It is located within several miles of the downtown Dallas area and an unaffected part of the urban sprawl that is consistent with the area . My family has lived here for several generations and really rooted down in the area with this house as our base of operations. I have always known that a garage in the front yard make people much closer with their neighbors and that is true. We take care of each other and make sure that the neighborhood is safe. I have enjoyed my time living here but I am ready to move on and find my place.