All posts by Preston Olmstead

Preston Olmstead, Turner Field


I have played baseball my whole life, it has always been a huge part of my life. My favorite team is the Atlanta Braves, and there home field is Turner Field in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2010 my family decided to take a road trip to Atlanta and watch a Braves game. You can imagine my excitement, I have been cheering for this team for my whole life and I finally get a chance to watch a game live.

The moment I saw the stadium from my car, I was in awe, and my face was glued to the window looking at this huge stadium. When we parked and I started walking toward this huge infrastructure my mind begin to race, thinking of all of the greats that have played in this very stadium. The architect who design this stadium new how to make people feel at home and safe. It had a very warm and welcoming huge front gate, and then you walk in and immediately see the field and can look around at all the seats. This stadium was huge, and every beam and every ounce of concrete poured had a point. It made you feel so small, and so important all at the same time. Visiting Turner field was a dream come true, and I will always cherish the opportunity to go to that stadium and watch a baseball game.



Preston Olmstead Blog One, The Bizzel Memorial Library


The Bizzel Memorial Library

The Bizzel Memorial library is located in Norman, Oklahoma, on the campus of the University of Oklahoma. This building is a magnificent example of Cherokee Gothic. I remember the first time I saw this building, I was taking a tour of the campus 2 years ago. I just stood astounded by the entirety of the building, but also the details of the design, every inch on the outside has its own story that coincides with the whole buildings story.

This building to me represents a new chapter in my life, it represents a beginning to my time here at Oklahoma University. That was the first building that I truly appreciated on campus. I love the quote that a college is just a bunch of buildings surrounding a library. That is especially true about the bizz, the center of our campus is where this beautiful building stands. The Bizzel Memorial Library has influenced me a positive way, and has let an impact on me that will last a lifetime.

