All posts by Preston Olmstead

Preston Olmstead

One of his last works of his life was the Kerr Residence in Melbourne Beach, Florida in 1950. This house was built with intense innovation in mind. “This multilevel house, with varying ceiling and floor heights and variations of transparency and enclosure, is unified by its attenuated-wood structural system and overriding symmetry as seen from the street.” Infill panels of glass were arranged to create a varied geometric composition in elevation and space. This building was one of Paul Rudolph’s last works and is beautiful just like the rest of his birthdays.

Preston Olmstead

One of Rudolph’s later buildings was the Miller Guest House, which he worked with Ralph Twitchell again. This building was built in Sarasota, Florida in 1949. He built this house with cost effectiveness in mind, in fact he was quoted saying “Not much more complicated, nor expensive, than a cracker box resting on short piers in the sand, with one side knocked out and cantilevered over the water, this vacation cabin offers all the requisites for roughing it luxuriously on the shore. The interior design is divided into roughly into thirds. And at the front of the house is a beautiful porch that would invite anyone who comes in contact with the house to sit down for a cup of coffee.

Preston Olmstead

One of Paul’s most famous building that didn’t get built is the Recreation Center in St. Petersburg, Florida. This project was supposed to be built in 1947 with Ralph Twitchell. Attenuated beams and columns support and thin upturned entry canopy.  “The project seemed to have an element of fantasy and it was supposed to be built, but in time Rudolph’s visual ability became enriched by a more rigorous discipline as his knowledge of structural capabilities increased and as he refined his compositions of architecture space.” Although this building didn’t get built, it would have been a beautiful and astounding building.

Preston Olmstead

Another house in Sarasota Florida was the Miller Residence. All the rooms in this house have cross ventilation and are built to be occupied 6 months of the year. Paul also used an extensive amount of glass in this project which he justified by that there isn’t as much sun in Florida as many people believe. Glass jalousies are used for ventilation, with careful attention given the detailing of the connection between the jalousies and the fixed glass. Rudolph also implanted a long beautiful overhang, which surprisingly was not a problem in this astounding house.

Preston Olmstead

Another project of Paul Rudolph’s early career that interests me is the Alexander Harkavy residence in Siesta Key, Sarasota Florida, which he built in 1946. This building interest me because in high school my baseball team would always play in Sarasota, Florida, so that is why this building caught my eye. This building is was a hard project for Rudolph because of the high humidity and hot climate. With sea breeze by day and land breeze by night, and rainy summers and dry sunny winters, Rudolph really had to design a modern technological building, for a home that has to be versatile in the climate that it resides in. The building had huge sliding glass walls, and ventilated masonry walls that resisted the moisture and an insulated roof. These are just some examples of the technology that Paul Rudolph put into this building. I personally can see myself loving this house and wanting to live in it.

Preston Olmstead

Paul Rudolph’s first work came in 1940 when he created the Atkinson residence in Auburn, Alabama. At the young age of 22, Rudolph was put in charge of making some technology innovations to that house that included central heating, copper standing seam roof, and also corner windows. Rudolph put a unique mural in this house when he involved the ornamental mural. It covers the top half of the fire place and is measured as six feet high by ten feet long. This was a great and unique building for Rudolph’s first project.

Preston Olmstead, Owasso Indoor Facility

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One building that has impacted my life in a negative way, is the Indoor facility at Owasso High School. This building is located on the campus of Owasso High school and is where sports teams workout or practice in the cold months. This building is where I had hard and long practices. It brings up bad memories of running till I puke, or hitting a baseball till my hands have blisters all over them. I love baseball don’t get me wrong, but this is where we had are terrible practices that were not very fun.

The building itself is awful, it looks like an uninviting place where dreams go to die. It is just a huge flat building, and inside is just open and no real architecture design went into it. You can tell that is was just built so sports have a heated facility that they can practice in when it is too cold outside. This building will forever symbolize bad memories for me, and I hope to never enter that building again.

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Preston Olmstead, First Bank of Owasso


In my relatively small town, there isn’t any huge buildings. But in 2009 Owasso got a big building, I wouldn’t classify it as skyscraper, but it is our biggest building. This building, the first Bank of Owasso, had a huge impact in Owasso. It put our town economically into a better place, and really started a trend for other companies to build.

I think this building is the most astounding building in our community. Is marvelous shape is something to look at, it isn’t just a box that is ten stories, but rather it has a round shape and is nice architecture design. I always love the glass work that is involved in this building, it is amazing to me how much glass is incorporated into this building. This building not only impacted me, but impacted my whole community.

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Preston Olmstead, First Baptist Claremore

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First Baptist Church of Claremore is my church that I went to growing up. This church is a simple building with a huge impact on me. This church is where I asked my Lord and Savior into my heart, and where I grew my relationship with God. God is the most important thing in my life and I know that there is life after death and I will be in heaven.

The building, even though relatively simple, is a real work of architecture. It was built by members of the church that volunteered. This makes this building even more special, that it was built by members of the church, so that we could have a place to worship our God together. My favorite part of this church is the huge auditorium where Sunday morning services are held. It holds around 1,200 people and is massive. The walls are huge and have huge glass stained windows and my earliest memories are in this church.

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Preston Olmstead, Owasso High School

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Four Years is a long time of someone’s life, and for four years of my life I spent them at Owasso High School. High school was an important time of my life, it is where I grew up and became a man. It is also where I grew intellectually, and really started to think for myself. It is also where I made my best friends that will last a lifetime. The teachers there also made a huge impact on my life, and some I still talk to today.

The building itself is really something, it is a relatively new building and has the best technology implemented into the building. There is many entrances to the building, and each one is different, but everyone is welcoming. You can tell that when you walk in that you are safe and you can learn without worrying about your safety. There is a huge gym in the high school, where all our pep rallies, and basketball games were held. Owasso high school will forever have a place in my heart and I will always go back and visit.

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