All posts by John Osborn

Buffalo Run Casino

Miami is known for its many casinos. People come from all over to spend their money at these casino. For the longest time one casino stood as the town black eye. It was a large casino and concert venue named Buffalo Run Casino. Buffalo Run Casino was shaped like a circus tent and made of the same material.  The only difference was it didn’t have any color, just multiple tones of the same color. It was especially bad because it is right off the major highway. Anyone driving by only has this giant blob to judgements on Miami. It was great that they were bringing in tourists and stimulating our economy but their building didn’t give a good first impression of Miami.  I love the town I grew up in, so I hated to see it with a black eye.

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By some miracle the casino began to remodel. Finally the giant bubble was going to be no more. They decided to go for a modern ski lodge look, which is one of my favorite styles. Fake wood surrounds the exterior along with giant stone pillars. Its beautiful. Now people can tell what Miami is all about!

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Gaylord Memorial Stadium

Gorgeously constructed in middle of OU’s campus stands Gaylord Memorial stadium, or the Palace on the Prairie as its patrons affectionately call it. . It serves as a source of pride for all of OU students past and present. The first time I came to a game I was simply overwhelmed. The shear mass of the whole place intimidated me. I felt out of place, like a tourist in a foreign country. There were so many people going every which way, and all I wanted to do was go home. That all changed when we reached our seats. The whole “building” was focused on the field. The “colosseum”  forced our vision down towards the players. I no longer felt out of place. Its crazy how the construction of the stadium made me feel like I belonged.

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The Bizz

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The Bizzell Memorial Library is a absolutely gorgeous Cherokee Gothic building. The white stone exterior stripes really make the red brick pop. Even every gargoyle is a different creature or person. The building itself is a piece of art. When people visit OU’s campus they make an effort to go see the exquisite library.

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However, the building takes on a different persona for the students at OU. I know for me regardless how pretty or artistic it is,  I don’t want to be anywhere near the library.  The inside is dark and cold and void of all happiness. Before I came to OU I use to love to explore the library with my dad but now as a student I would rather stub my toe repeatedly on the coffee table. Once I graduate I’m sure I’ll be able to again see the treasure that is the Bizzell Memorial Library.

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Everyone has that one burger place in their home town that serves the greasiest, sloppiest, best burger around. In Miami there is only one place to go for a burger and that is KuKu. Its the local watering hole. Every time I go I see someone I know. It has a special place in my heart because it is where my family eats every Sunday after church. We sit, chat and most importantly eat. My family is very important to me so, any place that allows us to come to together play a large role in my life.

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My favorite part of the restaurant is the KuKu bird that sits on top of the roof. Legend has it that use to come out at lunch and cluck. Nowadays it is permanently stationed outside on the roof. It is a relic  from the past. A reminder of what use to be but no longer can be. It always reminds me to live in the present.

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Osborn Drugs.

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Osborn Drugs Inc. is a family owned and operated pharmacy. As a matter of fact my family owns the pharmacy. It’s filled with old pictures and memories of my family. There are floor to ceiling windows on either side of the store, which allow as much natural light as possible. I have worked, on and off, there for 8 years.  I never once dreaded going into work because it was always filled with natural light and good people. I don’t remember the first time I was introduced to the store but I never looked back. Every time I go home it’s a must see.

On the outer east wall of the story is a mural of the history of Miami. As you can see it is a full rich history with many different stories. However in 2012 the east wall was starting to crumble and the mural along with it. As a art project a local artist decided to recreate the mural. I was fortunate enough to help paint the new mural. Now I will be forever apart of my families building.

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The Coleman Theatre

The Coleman Theatre, built by Mr. Coleman in 1929, was design as a vaudeville theatre.  It was a the place to be for all the socialites of the time. However after years of entertaining the masses, its up keep began to slip. The carpet and the chairs began to rip. The chandelier began to rust and the curtains began to brown.  However in 1990 there was a movement, lead by my grandparents, to restore this historic theatre. My grandparents helped start a group called the Friends of the Coleman to help begin the restoration. As a kid they would take me to the Coleman to explore the basements or see a show. I can still remember the day the Coleman got new chairs. Going to the Coleman was a staple in my childhood. Now the Coleman’s Theatre restoration is near complete. The chandelier shiny and the carpet new , and people are coming back to the theatre.

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The Coleman stands as a symbol of pride for the Miami community. It gives the whole community something to point at and say we are proud of that. For me it’s a place of pride specifically for my family. It will always be a place I show my friends when they come to town. I love the old Victorian décor and the stucco exterior. They remind me of a simple time when I was young. It also reminds me of where I come from as well as a direction I want to go. It will forever be my favorite building.


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