All posts by Noah Cole

Serpentine Gallery

Serpentine gallerySerpentine gallery 2

This is the 2011 Serpentine gallery. The concept for the Pavilion is the hortus conclusus, a contemplative room and  a garden within a garden. You enter the building from the lawn and begin the transition into the central garden, a safe haven  from the world of noise and traffic  of London  a place within which to relax in. There are also places where people can socialize near the central garden.

Saint Benedict Chapel

Saint Benedict Chapel 2Saint Benedict Chapel

The Saint Benedict Chapel was built by Peter Zumthor in Switzerland. The church wanted him to build this chapel because an avalanche destroyed the old one. The church wanted something new and enticing because they wanted the younger generations to have something to be excited about. The exterior design is similar to the chapel he built in germany, but the inside is different. In this chapel there are rows of wooden pews and an altar where groups of people can worship.

Gugalan House

Gugalan HouseGugalan House 2

The gugalan house is a family owned house in the swiss mountains. The family now lives in the city, but they wanted Zumthor to recreate the house. The family wanted the house to look modern, but not lose its magic. Gugalan means looking at the moon. The house is built directly into the mountain. Zumthor has built buildings around existing environmental structures, like he did with the Therme Vals.

Swiss sound box

Swiss sound boxSwiss sound box 2

The Swiss Pavilion in Hanover Germany represents continual change and renewal. The Swiss Sound Box can make a total of 153 sounds and 23 eruptions. The sounds tend to spread out in the open area and the eruptions are loud, rhythmic, and non linear they surprise the listener. Sounds and eruptions appear in a pattern, based on a different schedule every day. The walls work like instruments themselves because they increase the volume, conduct it throughout the building, and amplify it.


Bruder-Klaus-FeldkappelleBruder-Klaus-Feldkappelle 2


The Bruder-Klaus-Feldkapelle is a chapel built in Mechernich, Germany. The building is completely isolated and is designed for silence, prayer, and meditation. The structure is held up by steel poles. The inside of the building has one place to sit and an altar. Inside it almost looks like a building made from sod. This increases the isolation that Zumthor was aiming for.

Therme Vals

Therme vals 2Therme Vals

The Therme Vals was  are in Graubünden canton, Switzerland. Something that makes the Therme Vals special is that it is built over a natural hot spring. The Building is made from Quartzite Slabs and the roof is made from concrete. Inside it feels like you are in a cave and it looks like a very old structure. There are no clocks in the building because Peter Zumthor wanted the building to give off a vibe that time was suspended once you are in it. People can go in and take baths in the natural springs that run under and through the building.

Sigma Phi Epsilon House

Sigma Phi Epsilon

There are many things I like about this house structurally and emotionally. I love the columns in the front and the simplicity of the design. Its a fraternity house. It is not supposed to be overly nice because frat guys will break stuff, but the house still looks somewhat elegant. I also lived there last year and it was very enjoyable. The house represents the connection with all of the guys that I have met through my fraternity. Even though the hallways may smell horrible at times, I still love it.

Gaylord Hall

Gaylord hall

I like Gaylord hall because of the round main entryway and how spacious the inside is. The whole building just seems much larger than it actually is. I have gotten lost inside Gaylord a few times just because of the space. It has a modern look to it, but it still blends in with the rest of the buidlings at OU.

Fred Jones Museum of Art

Fred Jones

My favorite building on campus is the Fred Jones Museum of Art. I really like the layout of the building. Even though it is all the same building, the fact that the museum is composed of several different smaller buildings is what I like about it. I am not a fan of ordinary buildings, and this one is just nice to look at, like its a piece of art itself.

Flat Iron Building

Flat iron building


The Flat Iron Building is one of the older skyscrapers in New York City. It may not look like much but I like the triangle design. It just fits into its area perfectly. I also like this building because it was used in the spiderman movie series with Toby Maguire as the building where the daily bugle was, and spiderman is my favorite superhero from my childhood.