All posts by Kyle McCall

Westwood High School



This building is important to me because it is where I spent my high school years. Overall I’d say it influenced me in a positive way but seeing as it was high school there were definitely a little bit of both as far as positive and negative experiences go. Some of the positives include sports, band, and PROS (peer assistance & leadership program). The experiences I had in this building helped shape me into who I am today and  my accomplishments here are what allowed me to attend the University of Oklahoma.

As you can tell by the pictures this isn’t the most attractive building; there is even a well-known rumor around the school that it was designed by a prison architect, but that has never been confirmed. There were several renovations inside and out while I was in high school that made it more modern and appealing but I think my high school was definitely more concerned with function over form.

Oklahoma Memorial Union



The Oklahoma Memorial Union is one of my favorite buildings on campus because it is always alive with activity. During almost any hour of the day you can find students meeting with friends or tutors, frantically studying or finishing up homework, or simply grabbing a bite to eat in between classes; it truly is the personification of a college student. The Oklahoma Memorial Union also contains some very interesting pieces of Sooner history! It is a great place for new students to make connections and learn about their University.

Additionally, the Oklahoma Memorial Union is the hub for student life. The offices for tons of organizations such as Student Government Association, Leadership & Volunteerism, and Union Programming Board can be found in the union.  One organization in particular, Union Programming Board, is always utilizing the Union to connect students. They constantly host events like Comedy fight night, Dancing with the Stars, and many more.

Construction of the Oklahoma Memorial Union began in 1929. The union has seen many additions, expansions, and remodels since then. One of the most notable remodels occurred fairly recently in 1994 when David Boren arrived as president. He and his wife Molly led a $11.5 million campaign to remodel the union and it resulted in the union we see today, a facility that welcomes students. The Oklahoma Memorial Union fits the University of Oklahoma’s Cherokee Gothic architectural style.