All posts by Kasey Littlejohn

Temple Square Tabernacle


This past summer while on vacation with my family, we visited Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah. This is a picture of the tabernacle in the Square. On the outside, the building didn’t look like anything out of the ordinary, but once I opened the door, I was greeted with a beautiful tabernacle.


I was impressed with the acoustics in the tabernacle; it was not something I expected only looking from the outside of the building. From the way the ceiling is dome-shaped to the way the organ is brought to life at the front of the tabernacle, it was an amazing sight to see in person.

Bizzell Library



Growing up near the University of Oklahoma, I have always adored the nature of Bizzell Memorial Library. Since coming to college, I have a love/hate relationship with those front doors. The doors mean so much more to me than the old wood that they are. When I open those doors to go study in the library, I am greeted with the original smell of the library and normally a crowd of students rushing in to claim a spot to study or going out to hurry to class. The front library doors see many faces each and every day, from generations past and present.