All posts by Sen Li

Potala Palace


Potala Palace is located in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa, northwest of the city of Mabu Ri Shan (Red Hill). It is a large-scale castle-style buildings. It is not only  the rule of Tibetan political and religious center, but also is one of the most famous building in China . The whole palace has a distinctive Tibetan style, built on mountains, imposing. Palace also has a collection of countless treasures, is a temple of art. When I stand next to it, I feel myslef so small. What’s more, I even can not imgaine how to build it on the mountain.

Milan Cathedral


My first building is Milan Cathedral. It is Italy’s famous Catholic Church, also known as “Duomo Cathedral”, the cathedral, located in Milan.  It is one of the world’s five largest church. In the year 1386 to start the construction, completed in 1500 vault, 1774 central tower on the gilded Virgin Mary statue in place. Completed in 1965. It is not only the symbol of Milan, but also the center of Milan. When I saw this building, the first thing on my mind is taking picture. How brilliant it is.