All posts by Evan Lanoue

Providence Park

This past summer I had the unique opportunity to work an internship in Oregon. While on the west coast, I had the opportunity to visit some family in Portland. The weekend I visited ended up being my Birthday and my cousin had gotten me tickets to the Portland Timber vs. Seattle Sounders game. I had never been to a professional soccer game, and Providence Park did not disappoint. Comparatively to my hometown of Tulsa, the city of Portland is extremely compact. The Stadium flowed directly with the city (made parking a hassle). The wooden benches at the stadium, although old, remained in great shape since they are not usually sat in. Even though the stadium was compact, once inside it opened in to a perfect U surrounding the pitch. Providence Park made me a professional soccer, but mainly a Timbers fan.



Praying Hands


The Praying Hands are located in my hometown of Tulsa, OK. The statue is located on the campus of Oral Roberts University. Throughout my life the Praying Hands have always been a monument that I related with my hometown. The Statue stands a staggering 60 ft high, and weighs over 30 tons. The size of the statue resonates with my spiritual walk in life. When I see this statue, it reminds me there is power in faith and that my problems are bigger than just myself. This perspective resets my internal mood anytime I’ve dealt with major issues while growing up. Even as the statue continues to become faded and worn, I am still reminded no matter what you look like or the condition you’re in that someone is always there to watch your back.