All posts by Kaycee Moores

Mercure Hotel

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This venue’s main purpose is to create a place for meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions. It has 80 rooms, can hold 250 guests, and has two levels with the bottom having cafe’s and bars and the second floor being conference rooms.



UNSW Quadrangle

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The University of New South Wales’ urban design provides a strong social and education purpose where they have both formal and informal pedestrian routes that meet. It was originally designed for the Faculty of Economics, the Union bar, food court, and counselling services.

30 Rockefeller Plaza, NYC



In high school, I went to New York City in between Christmas and New Years Eve. Of course, we had to go to 30 Rockefeller Plaza. Now, this building is important to me because I’m a film student and it has always been a dream of mine to work in this building. History was made in these walls with SNL and 30 Rock and the list just goes on. I couldn’t leave New York without getting a foot in here. This building was by far the busiest place I had ever been. Claustrophobic me hated it, but fame-whore me could’t be dragged away from this place. I still hold this building close to my heart and hope to go back one day, permanently.

The Womb, OKC


The Womb is the most aesthetically pleasing building for me. I don’t even have to go inside this building to appreciate how unique and insane it is. The artwork covers the inside of this place and bleeds creativity into the streets. I like visiting here at least one or twice a month. It makes me feel completely happy just knowing something this weird exists.

Willis Tower, Chicago



I’ve visited Chicago twice now and both times I went, I visited the Willis Tower. I think it is one of the mos badass buildings I’ve ever been in. When you’re on the elevator on your way to the top, it tells you some facts about the building. I think that’s the part I like more than any other because it got me so amped up to be in a place taller than the Eiffel Tower and so nervous to see how high I actually was. When I got to the top, they had these clear boxes you could step onto and look down on Chicago. It was incredible to see the whole city from that high up.

St. Paul’s Cathedral, London

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In the summer of ’13, I studied abroad in London and one of the most significant buildings we visited was St. Paul’s Cathedral. It was stunning. I’m not a very religious person, but when I stepped into this building, I was overwhelmed by it’s beauty and history. After touring the entire inside of the building, I walked up what it seemed like a never ending staircase to the top. An asthma attack and many breaks later, I made it, and the view was unbelievable. I snapped a few pictures, but they didn’t do the actual view any justice. If I lived in London, I would visit this cathedral a countless amount of times.