All posts by Kevin Suderman

New Hopedale Mennonite Church

New Hopedale Mennonite Church is located in my small hometown of Meno, Oklahoma.  When I was a very young child, we used to live in a town called Fairview, and we would drive through Meno on the way back and forth to Enid.  Every time we would pass this church, and I could always tell the town was Meno because of the old church with the weird green roof.  Little to my knowledge I would end up living in that small town, and my father would work at that church.

New Hopedale Mennonite Church was built in 1953 with an addition being finished just this past year.  It is a brick building with a green metal roof.  It may not be the most beautiful building ever, but the people inside are amazing, and it means home to me.  58-199-27-New Hopedale MB Church 5158_1157693588887_1210667_n Screenshot (7)

The Colosseum

I’ve seen the Colosseum many times in pictures and movies; however, they don’t quite seem to do it justice to how amazing it is.  In the summer of 2015, I studied abroad in Italy and was able to see it at the end of the trip.  It is incredibly large. This building has so much history behind it dating back to the Roman Empire. To think it was built nearly 2000 years ago with a lot of it still standing is simply astounding.  Earthquakes have taken a toll, but this stone building still stands.  An estimated 50,000 people were able to attend events here. Here are a few of my personal pictures of the Colosseum.20150627_114437 20150626_215411 20150627_112656