All posts by Shaq Harris

Headington Hall

Ask any Freshman what Headington Hall is and they will tell you it’s heaven on earth. Headington Hall is the athletic living center that houses both athletes and non athlete students as well. It is a six story building that holds about 380 students. On the First floor of Headington you will find a lobby, meaning area, study rooms, a game room, Q’doba, a Sports Clips and the healthiest cafeteria in Norman. On floors two through five you find living areas and laundry facilities.

The ascetics of this building is completely phenomenal. The architecture style is Cherokee Gothic. Like many building on the university this style was first described by Frank Lloyd Wright while he was on tour of the university. While This building was not around when he toured it still fall into the category. It architect for this building was Studio Architecture and the first students to live in the building was the class of 2013. The reason i picked the building is because it is like no other resident hall on campus. It is a place that I got the honor to call my home for one year and I am so glad I did.

headington hall 2 headington hall

The entrance to Headington Hall features the same statue that sits atop the State Capital building in Oklahoma City. Kyle Phillips / The Transcript