All posts by Guliziran Huxitaer

Casa Rustici



This building in Milan was designed by Giuseppe Terragni. He was vital for the improvement of bearable and shoddy lodging in 1930s Italy. Casa Rustica is situated on Corso Sempione, an inportant lane to get into Milan’s downtown area. It has a housetop garden, to be utilized by all the building’s inhabitants

After looking through so many buildings designed by Terragni, I do think he is a very talented architect. I thought most of the famous architect wouldn’t bother do design apartments. Clearly, I was wrong. A good architect is also able to design building for people. Architecture is not only for viewing, it also has to be practical at the same time.


Sant’Elia Nursery School


The passageway of this building is secured by an adequate cantilevered porch, whose capacity is giving asylum to the relatives sitting tight for the youngsters and for the kids themselves as they throng to the exit. The sufficient, sufficiently bright chamber is a piece of a bigger secured space framing the recreational focus. The kindergarten is to be viewed as a home for a vast family, which has supported staying away from long, tedious halls. Henceforth, the main rooms, classrooms, refectory and workplaces are situated around this chamber recreational focus that lies at the heart of the building. In late spring, the glass divider isolating the two recreational zones might be collapsed back to make one single, effortlessly managed region. An expansive slope prompts to the solarium situated over the patio and is embellished with a hanging garden. This element has a profoundly valuable capacity of offering insurance from the abundances of temperature and atmosphere for the basic rooms.

Villa Bianca


Villa Bianca in Seveso, north of Milan, is a decent case of Italian Rationalism by draftsman Giuseppe Terragni. The house is one of numerous he composed in Milan and region, every one of them analyses that demonstrate his examination on shape, even despite all the more restricting proficient commissions. Terragni planned Villa Bianca in 1937 and played with its arrangement. The encased volume is still explained because of the body anticipated towards the outside on the ground floor, and also to the platform and the perky mix of bulges in the delegated mezzanines.

The Danteum


Terragni’s last major project was the design of the Dante Museum and Institute in Rome. The program was approved by Mussolini, but did not build because of war. In this scheme, Terragni sought a constructional interpretation that would be comparable to the three canticas of the Danteum, but also  depict the image of his mind. He thought this was a particularly important task to improve fanatical nationalism under the Italian fascist regime.

With Italy involved in the Second World War, Terragni joined the Italian army. He fought on the front lines of Greece and the Soviet Union. In January 1943, he returned home, died in July, the same year in July after the fall of the fascist regime, he died because cerebrovascular disease.

Novocomum Apartment



This is Terragni’s first completed works, and also Italy’s first use of modern architectural language. He used new materials, reinforced concrete and concrete, which is still controversial at the time. And he used traditional masonry material as a filler, in appearance to the cantilevered balcony to emphasize the level of building ,  in the corner of the two streets with a glass drum-like structure reflects the adjacent buildings.

The style that Terragni used in this building , caused a great response.  He stubbornly insisted on his set of aesthetic standards. Terragni, a fascist, participates in various architectural competitions for fascist office buildings and designs fascist exhibition halls, he continued to publish debates on a range of topics. It is clear from the writings of him that Terragni was a dedicated fascist and ran for the ideal and modernist architecture.

Casa del Fascio (Como)


Casa del Fascio of Como also called Pallazo Terragni, it is located in Como, northern Italy. This building is designed by an Italian architect Giuseppe Terragni, he experienced a very important period of the Italian history in his lifetime. As a signature feature of Italian rationalist movement, he designed the first fascism building—Casa del Fascio.

This building is located in the center of Como. The structure is half-cubed in height and half the length of the plane. The day-to-day function of the building is to provide office space for political parties and their affiliates,  in some special cases, as centers for large gatherings. Terragni fully backed the building behind, and made the square bigger for the new building. At the same time, the construction of new buildings on the side of the extension line of the main axis of the cathedral, reflects the architect’s respect for tradition and history, retaining the church’s rights and dignity.

Id Kah Mosque


This is a mosque in Kashgar, Xinjiang Proovince.  Xinjiang is a home  to a number of ethnic groups, Han, Kazakhs, Tajiks, Hui, Uyghur, etc. Some ethnic groups religion are influenced by Islam, so there are these types of architecture. This is the largest mosque in China, and it is also the a place that people would visit when they go to Kashgar. Kashgar is the westernmost city in China, in there, you can experience more about the local culture. We always say, if you go to Xinjiang, you must go to Kashgar, otherwise it won’t count. This shows the importance of this city to Xinjiang. The mosque was built by Saqiz Mizra and covers 16800 square meters, it can house nearly 10000 worshipers.

The Grand Bazaar


This is a famous spot of hometown called the grand bazaar. It is located in Urumqi, China. It is the largest bazaar in the world by scale. This whole place combines Islamic culture, architecture, tourism and entertainment. You can find everything there! There is a big super market, local boutiques, a mosque, and lots of restaurants. Shops in there have lots of unique and exotic stuff, good for tourist to shop, buy souvenirs. Growing up in this city, I live really close to this place, my family always go shopping around this area. The tallest tower in the middle of the picture was closed for many years, it was opened for tourist before. There are also some dance shows in the front stage, if you want to experience the culture of XinJiang, you should definitely check it out.


Beijing National Stadium

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After posting foreign architectures, now I want to introduce one form my home country. This is the Beijing National Stadium that held the 2008 Olympic. It is also called bird’s nest because of the shape. I was 12 at that time, I remembered at August 8th, my family watched the opening ceremony together on TV. I was so proud of my country, and always want to visit myself. When I am older, I got the chance to go to Beijing and visit the stadium. Everything is same as shown in TV, I was excited when I walked inside the stadium. The structure of this architecture is pretty clever, and fun to explore.

A Police Station in Sri Lanka

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This is a police station in Sri Lanka. This is absolutely not a famous architecture, this is only a small station in town called Gampaha. This January, I went to Sri Lanka to be a volunteer for a month, my project is about empowering woman right. On the day that I took this picture, I was with my team member to interview some doctors. After we finished, we went to lunch, and this building is right across the restaurant. It caught my eye immediately, maybe it is because when I was little, I always imagine myself to be a police officer. I think that is the influence of TV, I watched so many dramas about police when I am growing up. So when I saw this police station, I had an eager to go inside, however, I didn’t get a chance. Through my trip in Sri Lanka, this is the only one building that I always think of even now. The charm of a building is always when it relates to my own experiences.