All posts by William Dane Powell

Southcrest Baptist Church (Lubbock, TX)

Throughout my entire life my family and I have attended Southcrest Baptist Church in Lubbock, Texas. One of my first memories is having recess while I was attending pre-school at Southcrest. From then on, I attended Sunday School almost every Sunday where I learned many important lessons, met some of my oldest friends, and had several experiences that made me into the person that I am today at Southcrest. Therefore, I would definitely say that my experiences at Southcrest Baptist Church have been nothing but positive.12241252_805404589568168_1237379939711011175_n

Walker Tower

When I was a freshman two years ago I lived in Walker Tower here on campus. The first thing I noticed about it was how big it was. Stretching up twelve floors, I knew that this was more than likely the largest building that I would live in during my life. At first, I was no
t very happy with living in Walker Tower. I thought that my room was a little too small, it was old and out of date, and there were just too many people living in it at one time. This being said I began to enjoy living in Walker Tower more and more as my freshman year went by. I realized just how easy it was to live there. I was living with three of my good friends and close to some very interesting people that I got to meet, I was close to several different places where I could get food, it was very easy to walk downstairs to do laundry, and several other things that I enjoyed about living in Walker Tower. I would say that my experiences in Walker Tower helped shape my first year at the University of Oklahoma and helped shape all of my years here at the university.UnknownTherefore, even though started the year viewing living in Walker Tower as a negative experience, I ended the year viewing it as a very positive experience and I am glad that I got to experience it.