All posts by William Dane Powell

The Slit House

The Slit House was built in an old city in Japan between a street and a river. It is completely made from cement and stone, with large “slits” cutting through the walls throughout the house.

slithouse4 These slits are what give the Slit House its name. The slits allow the natural sunlight to pass through into the house. As soon as the Sun rises early in the morning, the house will receive the first natural light of the day and will continue to pass through more and more slits as the day moves on. By 11:00AM, the sunlight will be passing through all of the slits within the Slit House.

slithouse1 These slits add an interesting and unique aspect to this house. The light coming in through the slits depends on several different variables: the time of day, the whether, the time of the year, and several other variables.slithouse8

The Horizontal House

The Horizontal House is a house made completely with stone on the North side of a small village in Japan. It was designed with the intention to not look much like a house and to blend in with the older houses within the village. The scenery surrounding the village is beautiful, made up of lush green forests and winding mountains.
Because of this beautiful scenery, the Horizontal house was designed to be able to view the scenery from any room within the house. To do this, the Eastern Design Office inserted windows throughout the home with a ‘slit’ of a window running throughout its long hallways to be able to look out of when someone is walking through the hallway.horizontalhouse9horizontalhouse3

A House Awaiting Death

A House Awaiting Death is a small house with a very unique design and backstory as to why it was built. It is located in Mie Prefecture, Japan and only 150 meters away from the waves of a sea, which gives the inspiration for the interesting shapes of the windows of the windows on the front side of the house. The windows were created to look as if a wave were crashing into the house.3

The House Awaiting Death gets its name from a unique and morbid reason. A client of the Eastern Design Office came to them and said that he was going to die in 15 years and said that he wanted a house to await his death. He said that it didn’t have to be a large house and that it only had to last 15 years, but he wanted to make sure that it faces the East because he loved the sunrise and hated the sunset.7

The Tower of Ring

The Tower of Ring is located in a new cultural district of Tianjin in China. It is a large, attention-grabbing tower made up of 1,136 pieces of wave shaped cast steel. The Tower of Ring is embedded with thousands of extremely bright LED lights that can put on a
spectacular show during the night hours when it is dark outside.

towerofring16These light also play a large role in counting down to the New Year by projecting a clock that is running down to mark the New Year. The Tower of Ring was constructed to look as if a large group of people were holding hands and skipping around in circles.

The Keyhole House

The Keyhole House is a small home in Kyoto, Japan. It was created to suit the needs of a family of four and two cats. It is a beautiful home with sharp edges throughout the exterior and interior its self. There is an upside down L shaped window that runs across the front of the house, which is the only source of light that lights the front of the house (from the bright lights that are always shinning from the inside) because it is the Keyhole House’s only window on the front side of the house.10

The interior and exterior as well are not very colorful. It is made up of mostly whites and light greys throughout the house, excluding the bright red-colored front door. The Keyhole House got its name from the idea at the Eastern Design Office of a house being a ‘key’ which can then be used to open up your life and create happiness.


Step Tower

Step Tower is a stark white, beautiful ten-story apartment building located in the city of Ibaraki in Osaka. Step Tower got its name because the balconies of the rooms make the building look as if it were steps climbing into the sky.
Unknown-1Step Tower is located in the middle of a large shopping district in Ibaraki that usually consists of buildings that are only five-stories and containing many bright colors. So the Eastern Design Office really wanted to make the all white, ten-storied Step Tower stand out.The Eastern Design Office designed Step Tower with the intentions of creating, “A stark white ship that sails in the middle of the bustling sea of colors.”images

Frenship High School Field House (Lubbock, TX)

I attended high school at Frenship High School in Lubbock, TX. While I attended Frenship, I played football, baseball, and ran track. Almost every day after school, I would make the short walk over to our field house to change clothes and figure out what I had to do for that day’s workout. I made a lot of my really good friends at this field house that I will be friends with for the rest of my life. During my time in high school, I also learned many lessons in that field house. I learned about the importance of working with a team, how to respect not only my coaches but also the rest of the players on the team, and how hard work pays off in the end.Band-Practice-Field

My Grandparents’ House (Durango, CO)

My grandparents have had a house in Durango, Colorado ever since I was a little kid. It is a beautiful house right on the side of a cliff that overlooks a valley. This house is very special to me for several different reasons. One of those reasons is that my entire family goes there every year to celebrate Christmas together. It’s usually the only time of the year that I get to see my two cousins and spend good, quality time with the entire Powell family. Another reason why my grandparents’ house is special to me is that I learned to ski there (the house is about a ten minute drive to the closest ski resort) and I enjoy skiing very much), and we have been skiing there every Christmas break for many years. There have been many memories made with my family at that house, and I know that there will be many more memories to make at that house in the future.IMG_0994 IMG_4487

Science Spectrum (Lubbock, TX)

When I was a little kid, I was always very interested in anything having to do with science. Because of my love for science, I would frequently visit a science and technology museum called the Science Spectrum with my mom during the summer. The museum had many different hands-on displays, aquariums with all sorts of fish and sea creatures, and many different exhibits to explore. At the Science Spectrum, I learned about different types of animals, how to apply knowledge of the Earth to different problems, and many other things having to do with science. The Science Spectrum helped me to create a large imagination and knowledge of what is here with us on Earth, which I still use today.Unknown Unknown-1

City Bank (Lubbock, TX)

The summer after my senior year of high school, I was trying to decide what I wanted to do after I graduate college. I am a finance and economics major, so I thought that I would want to do something involving banking. Because of this, I started working at a local bank in Lubbock, Texas called City Bank to see if I would enjoy banking. I have worked in the Loan Operations department the past three summers at City Bank and learned many different things about banking. My experiences at City Bank have also helped me decide what I want to do whenever I graduate. Therefore, my experience with City Bank has been a positive