All posts by Christopher Simmons

Hitachi Building in Noble


I did not post a picture of the whole building because it is kind if boring but this is what the outside looks like. Thousands of rocks stuck into the concrete. I have been around this building for several years and always wonder how in the world they did that. I often wonder if it was a prefabricated thing or if the builders did it on site. I guess I will never know but either way I think it is really cool.



File Oct 04, 7 11 45 PM

Lord’s Table Church of God


This is the Lord’s Table Church of God in Peoria Illinois. My dad was the pastor here for several years. It is unique because it is circular. The building was actually the theater for a mental hospital in the area. It had been renovated but we did a lot of work on it a well and the circle provided a lot of interesting situations. It was difficult to do pretty much anything from hanging drywall to painting to hanging trim. Although it was a pain in the butt to work, it is still a beautiful building that holds a really dear place in my heart. There was talk recently of it getting torn down but those plans were shut down. I was extremely glad to hear this!! On the right hand side of the second picture is a separate circular section. The brick pattern is hard to see but there were spaces in between some of the bricks. This allowed me and friends to climb to the roof as kids which we really enjoyed.

File Oct 04, 7 10 17 PMFile Oct 04, 7 11 01 PM