All posts by Christopher Simmons




This is Fire station 40 at the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta National Airport. Fitzgerald collaborative designed the entire airport also but the fire station is also very unique. The existing fire station was old and could no longer meet the demands of the airport. The new station has expanded to over 33,000 square feet and has enough space to hold 11 emergency vehicles. It also has an observation tower that is attached to overlook the airport’s runways. The design team has also sought to accommodate for the most state of the art communication systems and us also striving for the building to become LEED certified as silver.





The Period Key fire station is located in Pensacola Florida. The new station is elevated above the surge zone to provide emergency response and community services for barrier island residents and visitors. The city decided that the new station would best be served above sea level. The building is also a three bay fire station and has meeting room for community meetings and events to take place. The roof of this building is also a helipad in the case of an emergency in which roads are closed down. This building also has a welcome center and information desk to assist the community going to the beach. The fire station section has a lounge area for the firefighters to relax and socialize in between calls. It is also been certified LEED silver.

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Mosley High School



This is Mosley high school located in Lynn Haven Florida. This is a building that went through a major renovation that was designed by Fitzgerald Collaborative. It originally opened in 1973 and the group sought to create a more vibrant and bright atmosphere for the students. They made social spaces on all the major entrances to offer a positive first impression to students and visitors. The halls used to be very dark and drab but the group was able to brighten them and made them more inviting. One area in particular was the dining area. The use of round fixtures on the ceiling offers a modern feel to this area and this theme is also continued in some of the sitting areas as well. They also focused on the outside of the building by updating the landscaping and giving it more of a clean look.

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Bo Diddley Plaza



This is the Bo Diddley Plaza located in Gainesville Florida. This was a site that was designed to a safe place for people to enjoy day and nighttime activities. They wanted it to be very attractive to the eye and contain a lively atmosphere. This is located in the heart of the downtown area close to the courthouse and was designed to be a destination point for pedestrian traffic in the city. It is utilized for such things as farmer’s markets and outdoor concerts. It also offers a cafe with both indoor and outdoor seating. To aid with traffic there is a bus stop with canopy and there is also a fair amount of landscaping and garden work to help make the area pleasing to the eye. There was already an ampitheater on the site, but it was renovated to make it more modern for concerts and plays to take place.


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The Hub at 30A


The Hub at 30A is a festival type meeting place located in Santa Rosa Beach Florida and was designed by Fitzgerald Collaborative. It has restaurants, entertainment and shopping and sits on 3 acres of land. There are larger restaurants at each corer of the property with a host of things to do in the middle. There are outdoor seating area for different types of entertainment events including outdoor concerts which seem to be one of the main attractions if this establishment. I really like the open concept this provides and how there are several area in which guests can be entertained.



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Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport


Hartsfield-Jackson Airport is a facility designed by Fitzgerald Collaborative. It is currently the busiest airport in the world. Although the outside of the building is quite innovative, they focused a lot of attention on the inside of the building. They focused on finishing and fixtures and created a curtainwall system throughout the facility. They utilized curved ceilings to give the building a unique affect.



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Lifespring Church


This is Lifespring Church in Norman. It is currently still under construction. I love the way this building in constructed. There is a tall wall like structure that seems to separate the building into two parts even though it is not separated on the inside. I love the way the roof on the right curves and the entry way that matches. I happen to be good friends with the man who owns the company who did the steel work on it and he said to was a rather challenging building to construct. I pass this church every day on the way to take my daughter to school so it has been cool seeing the construction progress. I also love the stone work on the wall part as well

File Oct 04, 7 16 15 PMFile Oct 04, 7 15 54 PM

OU Field House


I have always really loved looking at this building even though I have to admit I have never been inside. There are numerous buildings on campus that have beautiful doors and this is no different. To me what is more inpressive that the doors is the construction of the entry way. It is not quite and arch but not quite a shape either. I like the rounded edges. I also like how the brick close to the roof gradually gets taller but in a unique matter. Not just step ups.

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Church in Norman


This is the Holy Ascension Church in Norman. I don’t have any association with this church but I have always thought it was a well designed building. The building itself is pretty square and then the front transitions into a more geometric type look. I think this is a much better look than just boxing the end. I often wonder how designers are able to think of these things. My favorite part of the building is the domed top. I have always liked buildings that have tops like this. A lot of churches and capital type buildings have such tops. The stucco on the church also has an interesting texture that i think provides the building with more character.

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Hubcap House in Peoria Illinois


This is the Hubcap House in Peoria Illinois. It was built in the 1980’s. I grew up in Peoria and pretty much everyone who lives around the area has heard of this house. My grandpa was friends with he an who owned it so we used to go there every once in a while. What I really remember about was that we used to pass it every time we went to see my grandparents. I used to love looking at the building. It is completely covered in hubcaps and is pretty awesome to look at. The house was dismantled in 2006 after the owner died. My grandparents are both gone now and I don’t get to go to Peoria much but I would like to be able to pass that house and go see my grandparents again. It will always be a very special place to me.

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