All posts by Ashton Bray

Oklahoma City National Memorial



If you are from Oklahoma then there doesn’t need to be an explanation on why this is important. All though the Oklahoma City National Memorial is not an actual building, it represents a building. That building is the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building, which was blown up in 1995 in one of the largest tragedies in Oklahoma history. The memorial is the place I have been because I was too young to remember the actual building, but the tragedy of 1995 has had a major impact on Oklahoma that I have seen, Oklahoma was brought together because of this.

I have been to the Oklahoma City National Memorial more than once, but my first time was with my class on a field trip in 4th grade. Growing up in Oklahoma schools they make sure you know about what happened to this building because it is a major, but tragic, part of our states history. When walking around in the memorial you get the true understanding and feeling of the effect it had on Oklahomans and those families in particular. This memorial has impacted me majorly, and along with everyone else who has stepped foot in the memorial.

Chase Tower (Oklahoma City)

oklahoma-city-buildings-and-structures-u4    okcchasetower

Before the Devon Tower was built in downtown Oklahoma City, the tallest building in the skyline was the Chase Tower. Chase Tower was originally completed in 1971 for Liberty National Bank and Trust. But to me this is more than just a building, it has a strong representation of OKC, the place I have called home my entire life. When people mention Oklahoma City, they think of the Devon Tower because it now towers over the rest of the buildings. But when I think of Oklahoma City I think of Chase Tower because it was the largest building through my childhood and I loved how tall it was.

My first encounter with the building was when I was a kid walking around the city with my family, and me just being a young kid from Oklahoma I had not seen any other buildings that were taller at this time in my life. I remember being amazed looking up at it and thinking that Chase Tower was where I wanted to work at when I was older. I wanted to work on the highest floor of the building so I could look out the windows up there every single day. Now kids these days look up to the Devon Tower which is much taller than Chase Tower, but Chase Tower is still special to me.