Kauffman Center, Kansas City, Mo


Although not directly from my childhood (actually a very recent discovery indeed), the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in Kansas City definitely deserves an acknowledgement in my opinion. A few Sundays ago while waiting to see a band play, I happened upon a Mexican restaurant (Los Tules; good but you’ll spend $20 with tip) right next to this awesome architectural and design feat. I really didn’t take it in until I sat down to eat, facing it, absorbing as many of the details as I could in 40 or so minutes. Built in 2011, this iconic structure houses a glass, stainless steel, and concrete exterior. Definitely an eye opener to any passerby within a few blocks radius (when out from under the shadows of nearby buildings of course). I definitely will make it a point to attend a performance and experience what I imagine will be just as captivating acoustically inside as is captivating aesthetically outside.

One thought on “Kauffman Center, Kansas City, Mo”

  1. Kansas City has some really unique unique buildings and I loved reading your post about the Kauffman Center! The modern design seems to really echo the artistic use for the building, really well done!

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