September 11 Memorial Museum

For my second blog I decided to do the September 11 Memorial Museum. The date of September 11th is a day that stick out in the minds of american all around the word. If you asked anyone what they were doing on that day they would be able to tell like it was yesterday. It’s a day with extreme significance because it is a day that the world changed forever. The way we think, act, travel and socialize with other was all changed that day. We now have a master piece to help us remember that day for centuries to come. The September 11 Memorial Museum honors those who lost their lives that day. It gives the family of those a little comfort knowing that their family members life was not in vain but will be apart of American history forever. I personally love the memorial because both my parent were in the military and have both fought for our freedom since the day of 9/11. There were several architects on this project but they were split up into two groups, the memorial group and the museum group. The memorial group was headed up by Michael Arad and Peter walker and the museum was headed up by David brody Bond and Snohetta. They Started construction in March 2006 and the Museum opened on September 11, 2011

Museum Pavillion Night images

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