Te Keis – Post 6

For my final posting of my first set of 6, I decided to go with the restaurant  I worked at for over 3 years in Tulsa. The diner was called Te Keis Chinese Asian Kitchen. The design of the building has always inspired me. The flow inside and out of the building was really interesting.  It served its purpose as a restaurant, but also provided a good sense of class and elegance that Tulsa was striving for. I always looked forward going into work, because even though it was in the food industry, everyone seemed to be in a good mood in the building.

It has shaped the way that I appreciate architecture in the fact that I learned so much about how the building was constructed from the owner, who helped the development team. When the restaurant was renovated into Roka Bar and Asian Flavors, the only walls that were the same were the exteriors. I got to see first hand what it looks like when a construction project is underway and how the process is always moving forward. There wasn’t a single day that the inside looked on a previous. Work is done fast and thorough.

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