Bizzell Memorial Library – Post 4

Moving on from my post about my high school days, it is time to bring my focus to the building that has always had my admiration in college. I believe it is the most beautiful piece of architecture on OUr campus and I wish it could be shown off to the entire world. Of course I am referencing the Bizzell Library. Its ‘Cherokee Gothic’ style is very attractive and gives the aura of prestige. The library has been my go to study spot during my 4 years at the University and will continue to serve as it until I graduate. I have met some of my best friends in the building and had some of my worst breakdowns. The great reading room makes me feel like I’m at the magical school of Hogwarts. I could go on and on about how fantastic this building is, but I will just leave it with this beautiful picture of my favorite spot on campus.

The changes the library has gone through in just my 4 years at the University have given me a appreciation for when a architecture project is done out of sight. In my first two years, the modern downstairs study area was being created and I hardly noticed work going on at any time. Knowing just how much work goes into projects like this, it is amazing that in two years, the most I ever heard or saw about this project was a power tool once or twice. Then one day I say a poster saying that it was finished and I couldn’t believe how subtly the entire project was done. The downstairs area is quite attractive too.

downloaddownload (1)OU_Great_Reading_Room

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