Edison High School – Post 3

For my third post I decided to reminisce on the high school days. I went to Thomas Edison Prepatory High School, which is part of the Tulsa Public Schools district. It is located on 41st street in between Hardvard and Lewis in Tulsa Oklahoma. The school is unique in the fact it is actually a middle school and high school combination, separated in the middle by the library and auditorium. I always liked the architecture of the building. Simplistic enough to not be over the top, but still interesting with its large glass panes of the library to still be modern.

In my days at Edison, I saw many architecture project take place. The new field house was constructed my senior year, and the new learning center was added on the years following. It is a continual growth spot for education in a city that needs leaders like it to set the example for how a high school should operate.

Being part of such a transverse building gave me an appreciation for the different functions a building can serve. Think about how much stuff goes on in a high school: class room learning, lunch room eating, gymnasium sporting, auditorium acting, band room rehearsing,  front office managing, library studying, and so much more. Most buildings have one or two functions, but schools must be designed and build in a manner that allows for so much more to go on. It is a testament to the architecture designer and their foresight.

I am also very partial to the picture I selected, as I was part of the Jazz Band that won state.

Edisonnew_edison_2Edison (1)

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