The White House


USA, Washington D.C, White House, garden and fountains in foreground
WH 2 

I have been to the White House a few times, but I had the chance a few years back to take a tour of it. When first walking up to the house I was really surprised at how big it actually was. That’s when it really started to feel like a symbol of power for our country. While in the house it was hard not to think about all of the important events that have played out in that house throughout history. The structure of the house not only portrayed a sense of power but also gave off a very historic feeling that was quite overwhelming. Everywhere you looked there was something that told a story. It really made me appreciate being an American and being able to grow up in such an awesome place.

2 thoughts on “The White House”

  1. I have never visited the White House personally, however it should be on everyone’s travel list. Nice post.

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